E-waste Management Authorization in India

Electronic waste or e-waste is produced when any electrical device becomes unfit for its original use or has passed its expiration date. Getting E-waste Authorization is necessary to manage such waste. Here are the complete details. New versions readily replace old electronic devices. This is due to the fast technological developments and the creation of new electronic equipment. It has resulted in an exponential rise in e-waste, especially in India. People prefer to upgrade to newer versions and cutting-edge technologies. This is especially because the product life span shortens over time. Thus, the problem of e-waste management in India and its difficulties evolve continuously.

  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
  • Design for Environment
  • (3Rs) which stands for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle technology platform for connecting the market and facilitating the circular economy

Importance of managing E-waste

Silver and other valuable metals are found in electronic devices. But only 10% of them are recovered. The rest end up in the garbage. By recovering valuable metals, we can conserve the natural resources.

By recycling electronic waste, you can get rid of hazardous elements. This list includes mercury, chromium and cadmium present in electronic goods. In addition to being dangerous to human life, these elements harm the environment.

Poisonous substances harm the ecosystem. This affects plants, trees, humans and animals. It can also cause human suffering and loss of life. Notably, e-waste recycling has become important.

The recycling process decreases the demand for new raw materials. This is because the process helps in the retrieval of precious materials.

Producing or managing new goods using recycled materials helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

There is another way to prevent electronic waste from ending up in landfills. The way is to repair, repurpose and give them for a good cause.

Overview of e-waste management in India

E-waste recycling is primarily an informal industry operation in India. Thousands of poor families survive by searching for materials from discarded waste. Common recycling practices include selling discarded waste from homes to informal sector purchasers. These buyers, known as 'kabadiwalas, purchase refuse paper, plastic, clothing, or metal from families. They then separate and retail this waste as an input material to artisanal/industrial processors.

In India, e-waste treatment follows a similar trend. Thousands of metropolitan families are employed in an unorganized e-waste recycling sector. They collect, segregate, sort, refurbish and dismantle used electrical and electronic equipment. However, the situation is different in developed countries. There is no notion of customers in India who willingly donate obsolete EEE at formal e-waste recycling sites. Furthermore, no customers are paying for the disposal of e-waste.

However, ensuring that the site is registered before dropping the e-waste at a recycling facility is necessary. Thu, those who are running the e-waste recycling facilities need the following licenses:

  • E-waste Management Authorization
  • ISO Certificate
  • Consent Certificate from State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)/Pollution Control Committee (PCC)
  • GST Registration
  • Challenges faced by the E-waste recycling industry

    First : Absence of hefty fines for non-compliance or violations of e-waste handling and processing rules. Notably, obtaining E-waste authorization is an absolute must.

    Second : The general public doesn’t know much about the market values. People are also unaware of the health and safety costs of e-waste disposal. This is because the employees involved in e-waste recycling are underpaid and lack appropriate training.

    Third : Despite the huge rise in the yearly amount of e-waste, large-scale industrial infrastructure for collection and recycling gets very little funds.

    Services under e-waste management authorization in India:

    With Ecoserveindia's environmental licensing and compliance services, get end-to-end assistance. The team helps right from the beginning with documentation, legal consultation, and issue resolution. Skilled experts help entities registered in India to obtain e-waste management authorization. This helps in ensuring compliance with regulatory guidelines.

    • We offer assistance in the entire procedure for establishing an e-waste recycling plant.
    • Helping you with the necessary documents required for legal formalities to set up the plant
    • Coordinating with the authorities in case of any roadblocks during the application process
    • Providing legal assistance for all related issues throughout the application process.

    • We offer assistance in arranging all necessary documents required for successful application submission.
    • We help in liaising with the concerned authorities to meet all the norms
    • We provide timely services related to setting up an e-waste dismantling plant
    • Our experts are ready to solve all your queries

    • We offer real-time solutions
    • Offer legal assistance throughout the entire application process
    • Expert assistance in solving all your related queries
    • We complete all the documentation successfully for you

    • We provide competitive solutions for filing your authorization application
    • EcoserveIndia assists you in arranging all the necessary documents for EPR Authorisation for importer
    • We offer consultation regarding the application filing procedure
    • Provide support in communicating with the relevant authority

    • We assist with obtaining an EPR Authorisation for Producers
    • We support in arranging all the required documentation for the application
    • Provide support throughout the process
    • Offer legal advice at all the stages

    • Our dedicated team leaves no stone unturned in providing you with feasible solutions
    • Expert advice on all your business-related queries
    • Hassle-free completion of all documentation
    • Liaising with authorities to obtain EPR authorization for brand owners easily

    • Skilled professionals at your disposal to obtain EPR Authorisation for E-waste Refurbisher
    • Excellent guidance regarding your queries
    • Working with authorities to remove all hurdles in the process
    • Expert advice to make the process smooth

    • EcoserveIndia provides help in completing the documentation
    • Our team helps you prepare all necessary documentation for the smooth import of refurbished EEE
    • We provide complete support in application submission
    • Offering guidance throughout the process and for other compliance needs

    • We provide complete guidance at every stage of obtaining an e-waste export license.
    • Our experts help you arrange all the necessary documentation
    • We excel at liaising with the authorities on your behalf
    • We offer guidance at every step

    • All-time assistance in helping you adhere to the environmental compliances
    • Complete support in fulfilling the licensing needs
    • Full guidance in obtaining a refurbishing licence in India
    • Quickly completion of documentation needs

    • Comprehensive arrangement of required documents
    • Exclusive help in the filing process
    • Skilled assistance for authority dealings
    • End-to-End support for obtaining an e-waste recycling agreement

    • Complete guidance in completing all the formalities
    • Arranging documentation to participate in the MSTC Auction process
    • Effectively coordinating with the concerned authorities
    • Help in handling difficulties throughout the process

    • Our team provides real-time solutions throughout the process
    • Comprehensive coverage for all legal obligations
    • Arranging all necessary documentation for obtaining PRO Authorisation
    • Contacting concerned authorities to remove the obstacles

    E-Waste Management Rules, 2016

    Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change introduced the E-waste Management Rules in 2016. The rules highlight the following points.

    • The rules introduced the producer responsibility organization (PRO), manufacturer, distributor and refurbishers.
    • The rules also mandate to obtain the E-waste Management Authorization.
    • In addition to the EEE specified in Schedule I, the rules now also extend to the parts. It now also includes consumables, replacements, and accessories for the equipment.
    • Regulations now apply to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and other mercury-containing bulbs.
    • A collection mechanism-based strategy has been implemented for producers. The producers must collect e-waste under Extended Producer Responsibility. The strategy includes collection centres, points, take-back mechanisms, etc.
    • Producers must adopt EPR and guarantee effective e-waste channelization. New channels, including PRO, e-waste exchange, e-retailer and Deposit Refund Scheme, have been suggested to do so.
    • A provision for Pan-India EPR authorization has replaced state-by-state EPR permission.
    • Under EPR Authorization, e-waste collection and channelization must adhere to the rules' goals outlined in Schedule III.
    • In terms of
    • The rules introduced the Deposit Refund Scheme (DRS). The scheme allows the manufacturer to charge an additional amount as a deposit while selling EEE. The manufacturer must refund the collected amount when the consumer returns the used EEE.
    • EWM rules for e-waste exchange as an option as a separate/independent market instrument. The exchange can also happen as an independent electronic system providing services. The trade allows the sale and purchase of e-waste generated from old EEE. The exchange happens between agencies or organizations authorized under E-waste management rules.
    • In addition to obtaining e-waste authorization from the SPCB, the manufacturer is now responsible for collecting electronic waste. This waste is generated during the manufacturing of any EEE. It is then sent for recycling or disposal.
    • If the dealer has been assigned to collect e-waste on the producer's behalf, he or she must do so. This must be done by giving the customer a box and sending it to the manufacturer.
    • The dealer, retailer, or e-retailer must return the funds to the e-waste depositor. This must be as per the producer's take-back system or Deposit Refund Scheme.
    • Refurbishers must obtain a one-time e-waste management authorization from SPCB. Additionally, they must collect the e-waste generated during the refurbishment process. The collected waste must be sent to an authorized dismantler or recycler from its collection centre.
    • The EWM rules also include the roles of the State Government to protect the health, safety and skill development of workers. These workers are involved in the dismantling and recycling process.
    • The manifest system must be followed when transporting electronic waste. It includes the sender providing the transporter with three document copies mentioning the details.
    • The provision for imposing financial penalties for violations of the rules is also there. The rules also mention the liability for damages to the environment or third parties. The damages are the result of improper e-waste management.
    • Urban local bodies (municipal committees, councils, or corporations) are responsible for collecting waste products. These ULBs must then direct them to authorized recyclers or dismantlers.

    Electronic Waste Registration Certificate

    EPR or Extended Producers Responsibility is a government strategy. It makes producers liable for handling and managing the products they produce. Producers, importers, manufacturers, and brand owners (PIBO) must obtain EPR authorization. EPR is a strategy that incorporates environmental, economic, and social considerations. Also, EPR holds producers accountable for the handling and disposal of the waste so produced. In fact, making producers responsible can help generate incentives to minimize waste at the source. It can also encourage eco-friendly product design and support recycling and waste management goals. Thus, the E-waste Management Authorization promotes sustainable development in many ways.

    Rules about Extended Producer Responsibility

    The Government of India (GOI) chose to pass the E-waste Management (EWM) Rules, 2016. EPR in EWM rules intend to cope with e-waste in India. The EPR concentrates on the following topics:

    According to the rules, PIBO is accountable for decreasing e-waste pollution.

    Under Rule 13 (1), the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) can grant, renew, or reject EPR. The CPCB has directed the implementation of EPR. It includes specific instructions for producers for channelling, recycling, storing, disassembling, and refurbishing EEE.

    Who is eligible to register for an EPR authorization?

    As per rules, producers, importers, brand owners, and manufacturers in India must apply for an EPR authorization. All e-waste producers and exporters in India require EPR authorization.

    EPR Authorization in E-waste Handling and Management

    Considering the increasing volume of e-waste in India, the government reconsidered its policy. It was concluded that shifting responsibility for particular products' post-consumer phases to the manufacturers can be a viable option. Under the Extended Producer Responsibility, producers are liable for managing or removing the post-consumer products. Assigning such responsibility may result in incentives to minimize waste at the source. It may also encourage eco-friendly product design. It supports public recycling and waste management objectives. EPR is expanding to include more goods, product categories, and waste streams.

    Documents needed for E-waste EPR authorization

  • KYC of Company signatory
  • KYC of Authorized signatory
  • IEC Code
  • Website domain
  • Toll-free No.
  • What is the process for granting/renewing and refusing EPR authorization for E-waste management?

  • PIBO must apply to the CPCB.
  • CPCB or SPCB may verify and investigate the given information within 25 days of getting an application.
  • EPR Authorization Validity

    The EPR or E-waste management authorization is valid for five years.

    What are the duties and obligations in terms of EPR for E-waste?

    Producers must collect and transfer the waste with the same electrical and electronic equipment code.

    Producers must create a structure for channelling e-waste from wholesalers and approved recycling facilities. They must handle the waste collected from "end-of-life" products.

    Hazardous substances like mercury and lead require pre-treatment, and the manufacturer is responsible for disposal in a treatment, storage, and disposal centre.

    In the Extended Producers Responsibility plan, producers are liable for collecting e-waste placed on the market previously. EEE has been placed through a dealer, collection centre, PRO, buy-back arrangements, exchange scheme, or a DRS.

    Producers must organize an awareness campaign. They must be aware through media, commercials, magazines, posters, or other means of communication. Awareness must also be through product user documentation that comes with the equipment.

    Producers must provide contact information to consumers or mass customers. This must be done via their website, such as an address, email address, toll-free phone number, or helpline number.

    Authorization for E-waste recycling and dismantling
    Who is eligible to apply for authorization to recycle E-waste?

    Anyone intending to start an e-waste recycling business in India must apply for authorization.

    Need for E-waste management authorization.

    It's important to understand the idea of e-waste recycling before learning how to obtain a license for reusing such waste. E-waste recycling is the process of reprocessing electrical items. It involves separating the components of any electronic product. These segregated components are then used as raw materials to create new products. People are now becoming more aware of the advantages of e-waste management, including its reuse. Electronic waste is then sorted, disassembled, and treated at disposal facilities.

    The need for E-waste management authorization arises from the following points:

    Manufacturers / producers / consumers / mass consumers / collection centres / dealers /e-retailers / refurbishers / dismantlers / recyclers working in the manufacturing industry benefit from establishing e-waste recycling plants.

    Procedure for obtaining E-waste management authorization

    The EWM Rules, 2016, regulates obtaining e-waste management authorization from the SPCB or PCC. Authorization for e-waste recycling is obtained by applying. The application is then evaluated, and the authorization is issued.

    1. Application Submission

    The applicant must first register on the SPCB or PCC official website. The application for e-waste management authorization must have all the necessary details. The information must include the Name of the Authorized Personnel and the Details of the CTO, etc.

    2. Application Review and Submission

    Additionally, it is necessary to apply for verification and authentication. This must be done after the application, and the accompanying document have been evaluated by the District Environmental Engineer (DEE). If the application has some mistake, it is returned to the recyclers for correction.

    3. Issuing of license / certificate

    Finally, the E-waste Management Authorization is given without error after submitting the application. The final approval is given upon successfully examining all the supporting documents.

    The CPCB must assess the request for an E-waste recycling authorization within 120 days of receiving the complete application. The CPCB must issue the authorization subsequently.

    Role of the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)

    The SPCB is a committee that conducts, guarantees and participates in an inquiry. The Board has an expert staff and testing facility. It helps to evaluate the purity of the air, soil, and water in different samples taken from industrial regions. It operates in accordance with the guidelines periodically set forth by the government.

    Additionally, each SPCB monitors how the interests of the states in which they operate are being served by the CPCB's directives. There are SPCB offices in numerous cities across the nation. Additionally, it has a group of scientists and specialists who evaluate the quality of the air, soil, and water.

    SPCB has a two-tiered management structure.

    • Board of Members,
    • Regular administrative,
    • Technical staff
    • A network of field offices.

    Functions and responsibilities of SPCB

    • To create a thorough plan for stopping, reducing and managing water and atmospheric pollution in the state.
    • To guide the state government in question regarding the avoidance, regulation, or mitigation of water and air pollution
    • To create or modify guidelines for the purity of receiving waters, sewage, and commerce effluents.
    • To create dependable, affordable methods for treating sewage and commerce effluents. There must be rules for using them in cultivation and dumping on the land.

    Penalties for non-compliance with SPCB guidelines

    A fine of up to 5,000 rupees is imposed if the accountable party's failure persists after the SPCB/PCC's recommended timeline has passed. The timeline is given for implementing corrective or remedial measures.


    EPR is usually defined as a strategy for mitigating planned obsolescence. It monetarily incentivises producers to recycle and make things last longer. Governments may alleviate the financial pressure for waste management by shifting the burden on the maker. This is in addition to combating planned obsolescence. Regulation of e-waste compels infrastructure to deal with the waste or adopt new manufacturing methods. As more nations implement these policies, it becomes more difficult for others to ignore the challenges.

    E-waste endangers humans, wildlife, and the ecosystem. E-waste has plastics, alloys, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), printed wires, circuit boards, and other materials. Once carefully processed, precious metals like copper, silver, gold, and platinum can be recovered from such waste. Toxic substances like liquid crystal, lithium, mercury, nickel, selenium, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), arsenic, barium, brominated flame retardants, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, and lead are extracted when e-waste is disassembled.

    Examples of e-waste include unfit computers, mainframes, servers, monitors, printers, scanners, compact discs (CDs), copiers, calculators, battery cells, cellular phones, fax machines, transceivers, TVs, medical apparatus, iPods, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners. Even in trace amounts, extremely toxic compounds and heavy metals like mercury, lead, beryllium, and cadmium pose a significant danger to the ecosystem.

    Before starting the e-waste management business, it is important that you know the process and requirements. You must also know the operation and business strategy setting. So, let's help you keep the process simple and easy.

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