Avoid last-minute hassle in obtaining EPR Authorisation for brand owners with us.

Indian market is dotted with so many brands. Consequently, there are several brand owners selling items under their brand. Having said that, the Government of India introduced the EPR Authorisation for Brand Owners to better manage the generated waste. A statutory instrument, EPR stands the brand owner of EEE liable for adequately managing the electronic item from the start of its life cycle till the end. Nowadays, many brands are inclining towards EPR, but then many others are yet to make the shift. Here’s how to do that seamlessly.

EPR Authorisation for Brand Owners - Overview

Branding, an important and inevitable concept, helps consumers to recognise and identify a product available in the market. It is a means of differentiating a product from the competitor’s item. Branding is a basis for advertising and other means of mass selling. It is thus important to realise that a brand owner implies any entity, including a company or a person who markets or sells any commodity under a registered brand or label. Thus, EPR Authorisation for brand owners is essential to be sure that e-waste (end-of-life Electronic & Electrical Equipment) is channelised to authorised recyclers/dismantlers.

Taking note of the ever-increasing statistics of the e-waste generated, it was strictly instructed to all the brand owners to get an Extended Producer Responsibility Authorisation (EPR Authorisation). Central Pollution Control Board is the nodal authority that grants the EPR license for e-waste management and has given specific guidelines for the same. Read everything in detail below.

E-waste Management Rules, 2016

These rules include every producer, manufacturer and consumer. Bulk consumers, brand owners, collection centres and dealers are also included. E-retailer, dismantler, refurbisher and recycler are added plus. They are involved in the sale, manufacture and transfer of e-waste. Purchase, storage, collection and processing of electrical and electronic equipment is also included. These are mentioned in Schedule I. Their parts, consumables and components are also included. Spares that make the product operational are also included.

However, the E-waste Rules do not apply to-

  • micro-enterprises as highlighted in the MSME Development Act, 2006 ;
  • used lead acid batteries as stated in the Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules,2001, made under the Act; and
  • radio-active wastes defined in the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 and rules made there under.

EPR Authorisation is not required in the following cases -

Import of spares (old or new) from OEM (original equipment manufacturers) for warranty replacement by actual users, given that an equal count of non-functional or defective parts is exported back within 365 days as per the document verification by Custom Authorities as mentioned in Schedule VIII of Hazardous Waste & Other Wastes (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.

EEE Manufacturers, if they are importing or/and manufacturing for selling, especially to EPR Authorised producers. Given that the manufacturer presents the following documents to Port/Customs Authorities -

  • i. copy of EPR Authorisation of the producer(s) for whom it is manufactured and/or imported;
  • ii. letter from EPR Authorised producers quoting that the EEE is manufactured and/or imported on his behalf; and
  • iii. copy of agreements with EPR Authorised producers for whom it is manufactured/imported.

The EEE (including their consumables/spare components), which are not included in Schedule - I of E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016.

Bulk consumers or consumers if they import electronics for self or captive use. Given that the consumer or Bulk consumer gives self-declaration on stamp paper stating that EEE items being imported are not for sale to Port/Customs Authorities but purposeful for self or captive use.


Extended Producer Responsibility is any EEE producer's responsibility for channelling e- waste to ensure environmentally sound management of such waste. EPR may include setting up collection centres or implementing a take-back framework or both and having approved arrangements with authorised dismantlers or recyclers collectively or personally via a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) acknowledged by producer/s in their EPR Authorisation.

A producer implies a person who introduces the EEE in the market under its brand without considering the selling technique used, like a dealer, e-retailer, retailer, manufacturer; or

  • offers to sell under its brand, assembled EEE and their consumables or parts or components or spares generated by other manufacturers or suppliers; or
  • offers to sell imported EEE and their parts, consumables, spares, or components.

The authorisation meanspermission for refurbishing, handling, collection, generation, storage, reception, transportation, dismantling, recycling, disposal and treatment of e-waste issued to the refurbisher, dismantler, recycler and manufacturer.

Extended Producer Responsibility Authorisation is permission granted by CPCB to a producer for managing EPR with implementation targets and plans mentioned in such authorisation, including detail of an e-waste exchange and PRO, if applicable.

Responsibilities of the producer

The EEE producer is liable for -

EPR implementation with the following systems -

a. EPR Authorisation must include a general scheme for the collection of WEEE from the EEE introduced in the market before, like via PRO, Deposit Refund System (DRS), collection centres, dealers, exchange scheme, buy-back arrangement, etc., either by any authorised agency or directly and channelising the collected materials to authorised recyclers;

b. the technique used for e-waste channelisation from 'end-of-life' items, including those to authorised dismantlers or recyclers from their service centres, must be under the EPR - Authorisation. In cases of other mercury-containing or fluorescent lamps, where recyclers are not available, channelisation must be from the collection centre to TSDF (Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility) ;

c. a pre-treatment is compulsory for disposal in TSDF. This is done to immobilise the mercury & lower the volume of waste to be discarded;

d. channelisation and collection of e-waste generated from the ‘end-of-life’ of products or items with the same EEE code and historical waste available in line with the targets under Schedule III in EPR - Authorisation;

e. make contact information available to the bulk consumer(s)/consumer(s) on their official web portal and submit user documentation to facilitate the return of end-of-life EEE;

f. awaring people using advertisements, publications, posters, media, or any other communication mode and submitting user documentation accompanying the equipment related to -

  • (i) attaching a legible, indelible and visible image/symbol given below on the product user documentation or items to safeguard e-waste from being dropped in dustbins having waste intended for disposal;
  • (ii) information about contacting and web portal;
  • (iii) details about hazardous components;;
  • (iv) means and mechanism available for their consumers to give back e-waste for recycling, along with the information of the DRS, if applicable;
  • (v) details on dangers of improper disposal, damage, handling, accidental breakage, or improper recycling of e-waste; and
  • (vi) norms for handling and disposal of the equipment after its usage, along with the Do’s and Don’ts.

(g) the importer must implement EPR (tie-up with PRO) collectively or personally. It is necessary for the individual importer intending to import EEE in every case to receive EPR Authorisation from CPCB in Form-1 and the process mentioned.

(2) retain records of the e-waste handled in Form-2 and present them for verification by the CPCB/SPCB.

(3) the producer must get EPR - Authorisation from CPCB in Form 1(aa). The authorisation stands valid for five years.

(4) to furnish information on DRS implementation to be sure of the collection of end-of-life products & their channelisation to authorised dismantlers or recyclers.

(5) EEE import is allowed only to producers with EPR authorisation.

(6) Operating without EPR-Authorisation by any importer may be considered as harming the environment. The EEE producers are informed that selling electronic items without obtaining EPR – Authorisation for producers from CPCB violates E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016.

(7) filing annual returns in Form-3. This must be done on or before the last day (I.e., 30th) of June. This must be filed to the CPCB.

(8) This condition is as per the norms of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Whoever fails to adhere to or contravenes any of the norms of the rules made is liable for a fine. Punishment as per section 15 is also given.

filing annual returns in Form-3 on or before the last day (I.e., 30 th ) of June to the CPCB.

As per the norms of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, whoever fails to adhere to or contravenes any of the norms of the rules made is liable for punishment as per section 15.

Liability of brand owner

The brand owner is responsible for paying an imposed fine for not following the provisions under these rules by the SPCB with the prior consent of the CPCB; and

The brand owner is responsible for harming the third party or the environment in case of improper e-waste management and handling.

Procedure to Obtain EPR Authorisation for the brand owner

Notably, as per the new rules, a brand owner must obtain an EPR Authorisation. Following are the steps to get the same.

Authorisation of Brand Owner

The website for grant/renewal of EPR Authorisation, as directed under the E-waste Rules Registration-2016, is operational at the given URL: https://eprewastecpcb.in/.

1. The entities must register on the portal in any of the following categories, namely: -

  • (a) producer;
  • (b) refurbisher;
  • (c) manufacturer;
  • (d) recycler.

2. If any unit falls under more than one category, it must register under those categories individually.

3. No entity mentioned above must conduct any business without EPR registration.

4. The registered entities should not deal with unregistered recyclers, producers, manufacturers and refurbishers.

5. Notably, the EPR Authorisation can be obtained only through the official website. All EEE manufacturers have to register on the portal to receive login credentials.

6. After login, user instructions will be given, which must be read carefully before applying. Only an EEE producer can apply — however, he can take aid from a facility such as PRO. In that case, a cover letter for the application and all the declarations must be mentioned on the official letterhead of the producer.

7. CPCB scrutinises the received applications and grants EPR Authorisation within four months only to applications that are complete in all respects. However, the minimum time limit is of two months. Application inspection must follow the information in Form-1 and the revised Standard Operating Procedures.

8. Present relevant documents like -

  • Estimated production of e-waste item-wise and estimated collection target for the forthcoming year
  • Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  • EPR Plans
  • Types & quantity of handled or produced waste
  • Information of EEE placed on the market in previous years - code wise
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Agreement copies with dealers, collection centres, recyclers, TSDF
  • Types & quantity of e-waste stored
  • The channelisation of E-waste and its flow-chart
  • Details for RoHS compliance
  • Import Export Code
  • Copy of the consent from the relevant Ministry/Department for selling their product
  • Identity proof
  • GST registration 
  • Copy of agreement with PRO [if applicable]
  • Types & quantity of e-waste sent to the collection centre
  • Self-declaration regarding Reduction of Hazardous Substances provision;
  • Hazardous Waste Authorisation
  • Copy of Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) license/permission as appropriate;
  • Information on the collection mechanism/centre, including the state-wise setup
  • Types & quantity of e-waste transported
  • Website information

9. CPCB analyses and replies with a checklist within 25 days for incomplete applications. The CPCB also issues a letter along with a list of shortcomings.

10. Producers are given specific time slots on the official web portal to visit the office for any doubts or queries related to the checklist.

11. EPR Authorisation is granted to the producers after completing all the formalities.

12. After issuing EPR Authorisation to the brand owner, the Central Pollution Control Board forwards the EPR Plan to the concerned SPCB for scrutinising.

13. An application for EPR Authorisation renewal must be made four months before its expiry to CPCB in Form-1. The CPCB renews the authorisation for five years.

Cancellation of EPR Authorisation for brand owners

If the brand owner fails to comply with any guidelines, norms, or rules during the authorisation period, then CPCB can straightaway cancel or suspend the EPR authorisation. Furthermore, CPCB issues a notice within 25 days if any brand owner does not adhere to the regulations. However, a chance will be given to hear from the brand owner within one month from the date of issuance of notification.

Refusal of EPR Authorisation

CPCB has the right to refuse an EPR authorisation to a brand owner. If a brand owner cannot furnish the necessary information within forty-five days of receiving the letter from CPCB, the application will be refused. However, a chance will be given to hear from the brand owner within one month of the application's return date.

Notably, in case of EPR Authorisation refusal by CPCB, the brand owner forfeits his right to place any EEE in the market till EPR Authorisation is obtained.


Any discontented person not happy with the order of refusal/cancellation/suspension of authorisation or its renewal issued by the CPCB may, within 1 month from the date of notification of the order, can submit an appeal in Form 7 to the Appellate Authority, i.e. the Secretary or nominee of Secretary, MoEF, GOI, New Delhi against the order.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the set targets for EPR - Authorisation according to the EWM Rules, 2016?



    E-Waste Collection Target



    (i) During the first two years of implementation of rules

    30% of the quantity of waste generated as mentioned in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    (ii) During the third and fourth years of implementation of rules

    40% of the quantity of waste generated as mentioned in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    During the Fifth and Sixth years of implementation of rules

    50% of the quantity of waste generated as mentioned in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    A seventh year onward of implementation of rules

    70% of the amount of waste generation as indicated in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.

  • 2. What categories of EEE (code-wise) are included under E-waste Management Rules, 2022?

    Categories of EEE, including their parts, components, consumables and spares included in the EWM Rules, 2022, are as follows -

    SI. No.

    Categories of EEE

    Electrical and electronic equipment code


    Telecommunication and IT tools:


    Centralised data processing: Minicomputers, Mainframes


    Personal Computing: Personal Computers (CPU with I/O devices)


    Personal Computing: Laptop Computers (CPU with output and input devices)


    Personal Computing: Notebook Computers


    Personal Computing: Notepad Computers


    Printers including cartridges


    Copying Equipment


    Electrical and Electronic Typewriters


    User terminal and Systems








    Pay telephones


    Cordless telephones


    Cellular telephones


    Answering System


    Products or equipment for transmitting images, sound, or other details by telecommunications


    BTS (all components except tower structure)


    I-PAD, Tablets








    Global Positioning System (GPS)


    UPS (Uninterruptible power supply)






    Electronic data storage devices



    Consumer Electrical & Electronics & Photovoltaic Panels:


    Television sets (including sets implementing Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and light Emitting Diode Technology)


    Refrigerator (Fridge)


    Washing Machine


    Air-Conditioners excluding centralised air conditioning facilities


    Fluorescent & other Mercury containing lamps


    Screen, Electronic Display Panel, Electronic Photo frames, Monitors


    Radio sets


    Set-top Boxes


    Video Cameras


    Video Recorders


    Hi-Fi Recorders


    Audio Amplifiers


    Other products or equipment for reproducing or recording images or sound, including signals and other technologies for the distribution of sound and pictures by telecommunications


    Solar cells/panels, solar Photovoltaic panels/cells/modules


    Luminaries for fluorescent lamps, except luminaries in households


    High-intensity discharge lamps, including pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps


    Low-pressure sodium lamps


    Other lighting or equipment to spread or control light, except filament bulbs


    Digital camera



    Large & Small EEE


    Large cooling devices




    Other large devices used for conservation, refrigeration,  and food storage


    Clothes dryers


    Dish Washing Machines


    Electric cookers


    Electric stoves


    Electric hot plates


    Microwave Oven, Microwaves


    Other large devices used for cooking and other food processing


    Electric heating appliances


    Electric radiators


    Other large appliances for heating beds, rooms, seating furniture


    Electric fans


    Other exhaust ventilation, fanning and conditioning equipment


    Vacuum cleaners


    Carpet sweepers


    Other devices for cleaning


    Appliances used for knitting, sewing, weaving and other processing for textiles


    Iron and other devices for mangling, ironing and other care of clothing


    Coffee machines, grinders and instruments for opening or sealing containers or packages


    Smoke detector


    Heating Regulators




    Automatic dispensers for hot drinks


    Automatic dispensers for cold or hot bottles or cans


    Automatic dispensers for solid products


    Automatic dispensers for money


    All appliances which deliver all kinds of products automatically


    Indoor air purifier


    Hair dryer


    Electric shaver


    Electric kettle


    Electronic display panels/board/visual display unit



    Electrical and Electronic Tools (Except large- Scale stationery Industrial Equipment)






    Sewing Machines


    Equipment for milling, turning, sanding, sawing, grinding, cutting, shearing, drilling, punching, making holes, folding, bending or similar processing of metal, wood and other materials


    Tools for nailing, riveting or removing or screwing rivets, screws, nails, or similar uses


    Tools for soldering, welding, or similar use


    Equipment for spreading, spraying, dispersing or other treatment of gaseous or liquid substance by other means


    Tools for mowing or other gardening activities



    Toys, Leisure and Sports Equipment


    Electric trains or car racing sets


    Hand-held video games consoles


    Video games


    Computers for biking, diving, running, rowing, etc.


    Sports equipment with electric or electronic components


    Coin slot machines



    Medical Devices (Except All Infected and Implanted Products)


    Radiotherapy equipment & accessories


    Cardiology equipment & accessories


    Dialysis equipment & accessories


    Pulmonary ventilators & accessories


    Nuclear Medicine Equipment & Accessories


    Laboratory tools for in vitro diagnosis and accessories


    Analysers & accessories


    Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scanner, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner, & Ultrasound Equipment along with accessories


    Fertilisation tests equipment & accessories


    Other electric appliances/kits/equipment used for screening, preventing, detecting, monitoring, evaluating, reviewing, examining, investigating, probing, treating sickness, illness, disease, disorder, infection, affliction, injury, trauma, or disability, abuse including the Tablets, Mobiles or any other device with the features capable of sex selection and their accessories



    Laboratory Instruments


    Gas analyser


    Equipment having electrical and electronic components


  • 3. What are the new targets according to the E-waste Management Rules, 2022?

    SI No.

    Year (Y)

    E-waste Recycling Target (by weight)



    5% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    5% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    10% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    10% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    15% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.


    2028-2029 onwards

    15% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.

  • 4. What are the revised set targets for collection according to the EW(M) Amendments Rules, 2018?

    EPR targets for producers who have initiated sales operations recently, i.e. the number of years of sales operations is less than the average life of their items stated in the norms issued by the CPCB from time to time.

    SI No.


    E-waste Collection Target (Weight)




    5% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    5% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    10% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    10% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    15% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    15% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.



    20% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.


    2025 onwards

    20% of the sales figure for the financial year 2016-17.

    As per E-waste (Management) Amendment Rules, 2018, Targets for EPR - Authorisation are given below -

    SI No.


    E-waste Collection Target (Weight)




    10% of the amount of waste generation as indicated in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    2018 to 2019

    20% of the amount of waste generation as indicated in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    2019 to 2020

    30% of the amount of waste generation as indicated in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    2020 to 2021

    40% of the amount of waste generation as indicated in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    2021 to 2022

    50% of the amount of waste generation as indicated in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    2022 to 2023

    60% of the amount of waste generation as indicated in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.


    After 2023

    70% of the amount of waste generation as indicated in the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.

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