Hazardous Waste Management Authorization in India

Hazardous waste poses a threat to the environment or human health. This is due to its physical, biological, reactive, poisonous, exploding and other properties. Thus, obtaining the Hazardous Waste Authorization is necessary to treat such waste.

HWM is a procedure to ensure such waste is handled, stored, and disposed of properly. It must also protect both humans and the environment. Hazardous waste is produced during the production of commercial goods. Also, it has waste produced by businesses engaged in refining crude oil. Add to it waste from manufacturing paint, aluminium, and electronics items.

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) released data in 2015. It showed that India produces more than seven mmt of hazardous waste yearly. About 40,000 to 44,000 firms generate this waste. Thus, its proper management and disposal becomes important. These businesses are, therefore, mandated to get the Hazardous Waste Authorization.

Importance of Hazardous Waste Management

The negative effects of hazardous waste can be reduced. This is possible via its scientific disposal. The process includes collecting, storing, packaging, transiting and treating in an eco-friendly way. Individual waste producers may have built captive treatment facilities. This is required to dispose of their hazardous waste. However, common hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (CHWTSDFs) may be used instead. There are 40 CHWTSDFs in more than 15 states and UTs.

The businesses engaged in waste reprocessing use hazardous waste. It includes lead acid battery scraps, used and waste oil. Add to it spent catalysts and other harmful items. Other wastes, such as waste tires, paper, metal debris, etc., are also included. These serve as raw materials, supplemental materials, and energy recovery resources. Therefore, using such waste for recycling or resource recovery is always better than dumping or burning it. Around 1080 recyclers are listed, and 47 cement factories can co-process. Also, 108 businesses are allowed to use hazardous waste.

Services under Hazardous Waste Management licensing in India:

  • Complete help in arranging necessary documentation.
  • Guidance in the filing process.
  • Comprehensive assistance in dealings with authorities.
  • End-to-end support for obtaining hazardous waste authorisation quickly.

  • Get served in a fast and effective manner
  • Complete assistance from domain experts to help you establish your TSDF
  • We have a dedicated team to solve all your doubts
  • We offer transparency in work

  • Complete assistance on Hazardous Waste Import Authorisation
  • Expert guidance on obtaining authorisation easily
  • Liaising with the concerned authorities
  • Exclusive advisory till grant of hazardous scrap import license

  • End-to-end assistance in completing legalities for Hazardous Waste Export
  • Completing the documentation for obtaining NOCs from concerned authorities
  • Legal support throughout the process
  • Liaising with concerned authorities on your behalf in case of any doubts

  • Arranging documentation concerning hazardous waste recycling authorisation
  • Help at every step of the hazardous waste recycling authorisation process
  • Legal consultation throughout the setting up of the hazardous waste recycling plant
  • Expert guidance in resolving any issues raised by concerned departments/agencies

  • Complete support in the documentation process
  • Legal help for obtaining the EPR for waste tyres
  • Expert advice on consulting with the concerned authorities
  • Guidance in filling out the application

Functions and responsibilities of authorities issuing Hazardous Waste Management Authorization in India

Issuing licenses and permits

An authority is assigned to issue the hazardous waste management authorization. The authorization guarantees that such waste is handled, treated, and disposed of in an eco-friendly way. Checking the applicant's compliance with HWM rules is also included. The authority also evaluates applicants' potential to manage hazardous waste without risking public health or the environment. The license holder must adhere to all the norms.

Monitoring hazardous waste production, transportation and disposal

The HWML system monitors hazardous waste generation and transportation. Furthermore, it tracks the waste disposal in India. The system manages the hazardous waste safely and responsibly. Due to this, risks to public health and the environment are reduced. All waste producers and transporters must obtain Hazardous Waste Management Authorization. The disposers, too, should get the authorization. They must also abide by rules regarding waste handling and disposal. Notably, the licensing system conducts audits and inspections regularly. This is done to check for compliance with the rules. The audits also discover potential dangers or violations. The HWML system is important for India's environment and human health because it monitors hazardous waste management practices closely.

Conducting inspections and audits

The Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 2016, instructs the facilities handling such waste. The facilities must obtain the Hazardous Waste Management Authorization. The rules mandate regular audits and inspections. This ensures compliance with the environmental rules. The State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committees (PCC) conduct audits and inspections. These audits evaluate the facility's environmental performance. These also help in detecting any violations. It also helps identify non-compliance issues.

Promoting awareness and education on HWM

The Hazardous Waste Management Authorization granting authority’s function include raising awareness. The authority must provide education about hazardous waste management. This includes ensuring that everyone, from industry to the public, knows about the dangers of such waste. People must also be aware of properly managing and disposing of such waste. This helps to protect the environment and human health.

Details for obtaining Hazardous Waste Management Authorization in India

Eligibility criteria

The kind of activity and the amount of hazardous waste produced determine eligibility. These factors also determine the requirements for obtaining a hazardous waste management authorization. The SPCB typically issues a license to any individual or organization. These people or firms generate, collect and transport hazardous waste. They are also involved in processing or disposing of such waste. Establishing an ideal facility for waste handling and disposal is an absolute must. It must also adhere to the rules.

Additionally, submitting relevant documents like a waste management plan, site map, and financial statements is also important. Also, the applicant must have qualified employees and insurance covering any mishaps. A hazardous waste management authorization is issued only if all environmental laws and rules are followed.

Criteria for obtaining HWM Authorization under the rules

In India, the HWM Rules, 2016, govern the hazardous waste management authorization. The following criteria must be fulfilled to get the authorization:

  • Registration: The first step towards obtaining hazardous waste management authorization is simple. It is registered with the respective SPCB or PCC. Registration is important in the state or UT where the facility is located.
  • Compliance with rules: The applicant must comply with the Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 2016. Adhering to other relevant rules and norms is also important.
  • Adequate infrastructure: The applicant must have adequate infrastructure and facilities. These should safely and effectively manage hazardous waste. TDSF can also be considered.
  • Qualified personnel: The applicant must have qualified personnel. They must be trained to handle such waste safely and effectively.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): The applicant must prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment report. EIA must define the potential environmental impact of the HWM facility. It must also include plans to combat any adverse effects.
  • Financial assurance: The applicant must provide financial assurance. This must cover the cost of any damage caused by HWM activities. It must also include cleanup costs.
  • Approval from local authorities: Besides the Hazardous Waste Management Authorization, the applicant must get approvals from local authorities. The list of authorities includes the municipal corporation or district administration. These approvals must be obtained before starting HWM activities.

The SPCB or PCC grants hazardous waste management authorization. But this is given only upon fulfilling the above criteria. However, this is subject to any extra conditions or requirements set by the authorities.

Important documents for obtaining Hazardous Waste Management Authorization

The list of basic documents required includes:

  • Aadhar card details of the Authorized Signatory
  • PAN card details of the Authorized Signatory
  • GST registration certificate
  • Proof for rental/lease/ownership of the site of business/manufacturing
  • Flow chart of the manufacturing process
  • CIN or Corporate Identification Number for the company

The following documents are also required for obtaining Hazardous Waste Management Authorization in India:

  • Covering Letter
  • List along with the Quantity of Raw Materials Used
  • List along with the Number of products manufactured
  • Manufacturing process & source of making/generation of Hazardous waste
  • Copy of Agreement formed with the TSDF
  • Copy of the latest consent order/renewal issued
  • The current compliance status of CFE conditions and regulations.
Application process for Hazardous Waste Management Authorization
  • Apply Form I to SPCB within 60 days of publishing the HWM Rules.
  • Additionally, attach the following with the application:
    • "Consent to Establish"
    • "Consent to Operate.".
  • Affix all required documentation approved by the appropriate authority.
  • Submit the paperwork to the respective SPCB.
  • The hazardous waste management authorization is granted if the board finds all the documents appropriate.

Renewal of Hazardous Waste Management Authorization

The hazardous waste management authorization is valid for five years. A request for its renewal must be made 120 days before the current one expires.

Consequences of non-compliance with Hazardous Waste Management Rules

Non-compliance with HWM rules in India can seriously affect individuals and firms. Here are some potential consequences of non-compliance:

  • Legal action: Non-compliance with HWM rules can result in legal action. It includes fines and penalties. The fines for non-compliance can be huge. It can vary depending on the severity of the violation.
  • Suspension or revocation of licenses: Regulatory authorities in India can suspend or revoke hazardous waste management authorization. This can be done for non-compliance. It can result in the closure of firms or operations that generate such waste.
  • Damage to reputation: Non-compliance with HWM rules can damage an individual's or firm's reputation. This can result in a loss of public trust and confidence. This, in return, can have long-term impacts.
  • Environmental damage: Improper handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste can damage the environment. This includes soil, water, and air contamination. This can have long-lasting effects on ecosystems and human health.
  • Health and safety risks: Non-compliance with HWM rules poses health and safety risks to workers. It also affects the public and the environment. This can result in injuries, illnesses and even high death rates. Overall, non-compliance with HWM rules in India results in huge legal and financial impacts. It can also impact the reputation negatively. It is important to adhere to these rules. It ensures the safety of workers and the public. It also protects the environment.

Benefits of Hazardous Waste Management Authorization

A. Environment Protection

Hazardous waste management authorization helps protect the environment. This ensures that hazardous waste is stored, transported and disposed of properly. These must be managed to reduce the risk of contamination and pollution. This helps prevent long-term damage to the environment and wildlife.

B. Health and Safety

Getting hazardous waste management authorization is similar to taking an eco-friendly step. This ensures the protection of the health and safety of the people in and around the facility. Along with running any business, becoming responsible citizens is also important.

C. Compliance with Legal Requirements

Hazardous waste management authorization ensures federal, state, and local compliance. These are regarding the handling, storage, and disposal of such waste. Failure to comply with these rules can result in huge penalties, fines and legal liability.

How can Ecoserveindia Service help with Hazardous Waste Management Authorization?

We assist you with the following:

  • Registration of your business
  • Documentation
  • Evaluation of eligibility criteria
  • Processing of application
  • Post Application follow-up with government authorities
  • Adherence to post-licensing compliance requirements for keeping at bay any regulatory costs like fines or penalties
Benefits of choosing Ecoserveindia Hazardous Waste Management Authorization Service
  • Customized services
  • Panel of experts
  • Hassle-free
  • Economy pricing.

Ecoserveindia, with its in-house developed suite, assures comprehensive assistance for your service requirements. The solutions can be customized based on your preferences at the most feasible cost. We also offer FIRST CONSULTATION FREE!!


Hazardous waste management authorization is important in India. It ensures safe and responsible handling, transportation, storage and disposal of such waste. The following reasons explain the importance of such an authorization:

Hazardous waste poses serious health risks to people and the environment. Proper management of such waste helps to reduce the risks of exposure to toxic substances. It also prohibits exposure to pollutants. Otherwise, these pollutants can cause respiratory problems, cancers and other illnesses.

Improper disposal of hazardous waste can have severe environmental impacts. It causes groundwater contamination. It also results in soil and air pollution. Hazardous waste management authorization ensures that waste is handled, transported, and disposed of properly. All these steps must ensure that waste management reduces environmental damage.

Proper hazardous waste management promotes sustainable development. This is done by reducing waste generation. It also reduces the impact of waste on the environment. It also encourages the adoption of eco-friendly technologies and practices.

Overall, Hazardous waste management authorization is essential. It ensures the protection of public health. Further, it helps in the preservation of the environment. Additionally, promoting sustainable development is also guaranteed. Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements in India is also possible.

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