A delay in EPR registration makes CPCB extend the interim arrangement to release imported EEE consignments

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) guarantees effective waste management practices in India.

However, challenges have arisen, such as the hefty EPR registration charges under the amended e-waste management rules, the heavy workload faced by CPCB, and the need for more workforce. To address the problem and ease the registration process, the CPCB must consider joining hands with experienced waste management agencies, leveraging their expertise to lower the burden on limited resources. This blog shares the importance of engaging with such agencies to improve and accelerate the EPR registration process, guaranteeing timely compliance with EPR obligations. But, this initiative implementation has witnessed significant hurdles because of the hefty registration charges levied and the CPCB’s struggle to process registrations within the decided time frame.

The CPCB, as the regulatory authority responsible for guiding e-waste management (EWM), encounters challenges in handling the increasing volume of EPR registrations. Under the amended EWM Rules, e-waste producers must register with their EPR plans to the CPCB and pay a huge registration fee of 15 lakh rupees. This fee has presented a financial burden on producers, especially medium-sized enterprises (MEs), obstructing their capability to adhere to the regulations. At the same time, the intention behind this fee might be to discourage non-compliance.

Moreover, the CPCB is facing challenges because of the heavy workload and insufficient workforce, which have resulted in delays in processing EPR registrations within the decided timelines defined in the SOP. This delay not only causes problems for producers but also obstructs the complete effectiveness of the e-waste management system. This delay poses a risk of non-compliance for EPR-authorised producers who intend to fulfil their EPR obligations promptly.

Collaboration Scope

Collaborating with experienced waste management agencies will result in many benefits stated as follows.

  • It will accelerate the registration process within the decided timelines.
  • These agencies have a strong understanding of e-waste management practices and can offer valuable guidance to producers in framing effective and comprehensive EPR plans.
  • Joining hands with established waste management agencies will relieve the CPCB's restricted resources and workforce burden. This will contribute to enhanced compliance and decrease the chances of non-compliance because of administrative delays. While the agencies handle the review and evaluation of EPR plans. It will yield a more effortless and efficient registration process, profiting both the CPCB and producers.

Significance of the Interim Arrangement

By extending this interim arrangement, the CPCB aims to guarantee an effortless transition for producers towards compliance with the EWM Rules, 2022. The additional time granted until 31st August 2023 allows the producers a chance to complete the mandatory registration process and fulfil their EPR obligations.

Read more at - How To Generate EPR Certificate For Recyclers And Producers Under E-Waste Management Rules 2022?

Essential features of the arrangement

Under the interim arrangement with Customs, producers of the 106 decided EEE must submit their applications for registration on the EPR portal. The consignments of those producers who have applied for renewal, registration or amendment and received an acknowledgement from the EPR portal will be eligible for release.

Significance of early registration

To avoid any delays or inconvenience in importing EEE consignments, it is vital for all producers of EEE items to register themselves promptly. By registering on the EPR portal, producers showcase their dedication towards responsible EWM and guarantee a hassle-free release process for their imported consignments.

How to Register?

Producers who still need to register must take immediate action. To start the process, interested parties can contact EcoserveIndia. One of the leading environment consultants, this organisation offers an easy way to seek guidance and help regarding the registration process.


The CPCB's decision to extend the interim arrangement for releasing imported EEE consignments by producers is an affirmative step towards addressing the challenges producers encounter in adhering to the amended EWM Rules. To further improve the effectiveness of the registration process, it is advised that the CPCB join hands with experienced waste management agencies. This partnership will leverage the agencies' expertise, lower the burden on the limited resources of the CPCB and guarantee a hassle-free and more efficient implementation of EPR regulations. By collaborating, promoting sustainable waste management practices and environmental protection for future generations is possible.

Diksha Khiatani

A writer by day and a reader at night. Emerging from an Engineering background, Diksha has completed her M. Tech in Computer Science field. Being passionate about writing, she started her career as a Writer. She finds it interesting and always grabs time to research and write about Environmental laws and compliances. With extensive knowledge on content writing, she has been delivering high-quality write-ups. Besides, you will often find her with a novel and a cuppa!

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