What type of vehicles would be covered in an authorised vehicle scrap facility in India?

Notably, authorised vehicle scrap facilities (AVSFs) in India are expected to cover many types of vehicles. These facilities will mainly cover vehicles that have reached the end of their life or are not roadworthy. The AVSFs are responsible for vehicle recycling and dismantling. But, the processes are carried out in an environmentally friendly and safe way. But, let's first learn about the vehicle scrappage policy in India. Then, we will proceed with the types of automobiles covered in AVSFs.

Vehicle Scrappage Policy in India

Recently, the Government of India introduced a vehicle scrappage program. The policy aims to phase out old and unfit vehicles. Private cars above 20 years old will get deregistered. The Vehicle Scrappage Policy, 2021 also focuses on commercial vehicles above 15 years old.

Besides, the policy boosts the disposal of old and polluting vehicles responsibly. It also supports adopting newer, more fuel-efficient and eco-friendly vehicles. The policy also takes care of automotive waste disposal. The following sections clearly describe the specific details of the procedure. Next is the general idea of the vehicles targeted for scrappage under such a policy.

A Brief about the Vehicle Scrappage Program in India

This policy is a government-funded programme to scrap unfit and old vehicles. It tends to replace them with modern and new automobiles on Indian roads. The primary aim of the policy is to develop an ecosystem for removing polluting and unfit vehicles. This is done to achieve a lower carbon footprint in India. Another aim is eco-friendly vehicle disposal.

Automated Testing Stations (ATSs) will check Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs) for fitness. The checking will start from April 1, 2023. Besides, ATS will also test other Private Vehicles (PVs) and Commercial Vehicles (CVs) for fitness. But, this will start from June 1, 2024. Responsible vehicle disposal is essential. After failing the fitness test, CVs and PVs of more than 15 and 20 years must be scrapped. Also, the automobile will be tagged as an ELV (End-of-Life Vehicle).

Highlights of the Vehicle Scrappage Program in India

The Indian vehicle industry has been disturbed since the latter half of 2019. The novel COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the situation. Although post-Diwali sales in 2020 have boosted the sector to an extent, the problem still needs to be solved. The vehicle scrappage policy is said to help the struggling automobile sector in India. With old vehicles being phased out, new vehicles will be demanded. Scrapping unfit vehicles will also improve the environment quality.

Here are the main points of the Vehicle Scrappage Policy

  • The policy aims to scrap unfit vehicles.
  • Rules and regulations are made around the actual scrapping process, laid out in the MoRTH announcement.
  • Vehicle owners are given certain benefits for scrapping old vehicles. Vehicle recycling can also help them reap several benefits.
  • The scrapping of unfit vehicles helps reduce air pollution to a significant extent (subjective as per location).
  • People tend to buy eco-friendly and safe vehicles. They must be technologically advanced, too.

Objectives of Vehicle Scrappage Policy 2021

The Vehicle Scrappage Program 2021 mainly aims to identify unfit, old and polluting vehicles. Another important aspect is to scrap them. Here are some of the main takeaways of the vehicle scrappage scheme:

  • Improve passenger, road and vehicular safety.
  • Minimise pollution by scrapping vehicles without valid registration
  •  and fitness.
  • Formalise the current informal vehicle scrappage industry.
  • Generate employment in the automobile industry.
  • Increase the availability of low-cost raw materials. These materials can be used in steel, automotive and electronics industries.
  • Enhance fuel efficiency. Also, to lower maintenance costs for vehicle owners.

The types of vehicles covered in registered vehicle scrappage facilities in India

Old Passenger Cars

These include cars that are no longer operational. It also includes cars with extensive damage or exceeding their useful life.

Commercial Vehicles

The commercial vehicle scrapping category includes unfit buses and vans. It also includes unfit trucks. It also includes other automobiles used for commercial purposes that are no longer fit.

Vehicles in Poor Condition

Irreparable and not roadworthy vehicles are eligible for scrappage. This ensures that unsafe vehicles are off the roads.


Non-working motorcycles, scooters, mopeds and other similar vehicles that are beyond repair. Two-wheeler recycling also includes the same vehicle category.


Autorickshaws and other three-wheeled vehicles that are not roadworthy. Three-wheeler dismantling helps to recover many precious materials.

Agricultural Vehicle Disposal

Obsolete or non-functional tractors and other agricultural machinery.

Heavy Machinery

Construction tools, earthmovers and other heavy machinery that are not in use. However, if not scrapping, heavy machinery recycling is highly recommended.

Public Transport Vehicles

Decommissioned public transport vehicles like old buses, minibuses, and vans. Public transport vehicle scrapping can help in reducing severe environmental impacts.

Government Vehicles

Old government-owned vehicles that are retired from service. The scrappage program could also include government-owned vehicles that are outdated, inefficient, or have a high emissions profile. Government vehicle retirement leads them straight to the AVSFs.

Private and Commercial Vehicles

Any private or commercial vehicle that has reached the end of its operational life. Private vehicle scrappage is one of the main highlights of the policy.

Old and Polluting Vehicles

The policy could target older vehicles emitting higher levels of pollutants. These could include vehicles not meeting current emission standards and contributing to air pollution. Scrapping these automobiles results in vehicle emissions reduction.

Heavy Vehicles

Larger vehicles, including heavy machinery and construction equipment, could be targeted due to their potential for higher emissions and environmental impact.


It's important to note that policies and environmental regulations for vehicle scrapping can change. Thus, the specific types of vehicles covered by authorised vehicle scrap facilities can vary based on updates in laws and regulations. Additionally, some facilities might focus on particular types of vehicles depending on their expertise and resources. If you're seeking the most up-to-date and accurate information, checking with the relevant government authorities or agencies responsible for vehicle scrappage in India helps greatly.

Diksha Khiatani

A writer by day and a reader at night. Emerging from an Engineering background, Diksha has completed her M. Tech in Computer Science field. Being passionate about writing, she started her career as a Writer. She finds it interesting and always grabs time to research and write about Environmental laws and compliances. With extensive knowledge on content writing, she has been delivering high-quality write-ups. Besides, you will often find her with a novel and a cuppa!

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