Obtain Kerala State Pollution Control Board consent certificates with India's prominent compliance service provider.

The Kerala State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) is a body of the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Kerala, India. KSPCB is committed to offering a pollution-free environment to the state's people. The board issues KSPCB CTE/CTO to Kerala's industries and commercial activities.

Kerala State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) - Overview

KSPCB, or the Kerala State Pollution Control Board, was formed on 12th September 1974. Besides issuing Kerala SPCB NOC, the board inspects several industries, civic bodies' solid waste sites and hospitals. Also, the board issues instructions and control measures to reduce pollution. The board is entrusted with enforcing laws concerning environmental protection. Following are the details to obtain KSPCB consent certificates.

The process to register Kerala State Pollution Control Board's portal

To access KSPCB's portal, the new user has to log in for One Time Registration.

1.1 New User Registration Form

  • The new applicant must provide minimum credentials in the screen to perform one-time registration.
  • Select the One Time Registration button, furnish all the mandatory fields, and click the Generate OTP button.
  • After entering generated OTP, click on submit button.
  • The application is submitted successfully. A message gets displayed on the screen.

Note: After registration, username and password are sent to the registered Mobile Number/e-mail account via SMS/e-mail. It is important to remember the registered mobile number.

Note: Username and password are received on the registered Mobile Number/e-mail account via SMS/e-mail upon completing the registration process. Please remember the registered mobile number.

1.2 Industry login

  • Select Industry Login.
  • Enter the username, password and captcha provided.
  • Click on the sign-in button.

1.3 Reset password

  • Once you successfully log in using the registered username and password, reset the password.
  • After entering mandatory fields, click on the Reset Password button.

Note: The password must contain a numerical value, a capital letter, a minimum of eight characters, or a special character.

1.4 Industry Registration

  • Enter the details like Industry Name, Pin Code, Address, District, Village, Taluk, Commissioning month and year, Cost of Machines/Land/Building, Phone Number, e-mail etc.
  • Enter the industry scale based on the value of the cost of building, land, plant and machinery, and industry type based on category (White, Orange, Red and Green) during the registration process.
  • Add details like HCE category, type, hospital status, and number of beds if the establishment type is a Biomedical Waste (BMW) facility.
  • Enter occupier details along with the registration address and name, designation, nationality, e-mail address, etc.
  • Click on the Save Next button.
  • Fill in all the occupier details and click on Proceed.
  • Click on Back to update details.
  • Click on submit. A page will open with Establishment/Industry details.

1.5 Application Tab

  • The application tab helps the user to start a new application. It supports industries to submit New, Variation, Renewal, Expansion, Modernisation, Auto-Renewal Applications for Integrated Consent to Operate by KSPCB and New, Variation, Renewal, Expansion, Modernisation, Auto-Renewal Applications for Integrated Consent to Establish by KSPCB and a new application for White Category.
  • Click on Add New Button.
  • A popup appears. Select the KSPCB Consent Type, Establishment, Service Type, etc.
  • Click on Save to save the application.
  • The application is listed under the New Sub tab, and the submitted application is listed under the Submitted Sub tab. The returned application is listed under Returned sub-tab.
  • After entering the mandatory details, click on Save and Next.

1.6 Inspection Details

The inspection tab auto-generates a list of industries issued with KSPCB consent certificates for post-consent monitoring inspection, depending on the monthly predetermined criteria. It has the following -

  • Facility for industries to view status and notice of inspection.
  • Facility for industries to view inspection details after inspection is done.
  • Click on [View Notice] to see the details.

1.7 Analysis Report (Industry)

  • The user can upload the Analysis/Annual report using the Analysis Report Industry tab.
  • Select the Analysis Report tab and click Add New to add a report.
  • Enter the info and click on the save button.
  • Click the Submit button to submit info and the Delete button to delete details.

General checklist for applying Integrated KSPCB CTE

Documents to be attached with the application for KSPCB CTE

1.1 General - Essential

  • Occupier identity proof, address proof - Aadhaar copy, phone number, e-mail id, land document/rent agreement (If the land is on rent or lease, lease document or rent document showing survey number and other details)
  • Land tax receipt
  • Affidavit in Rs. 200 stamp paper
  • Site plan
  • Project proposal of sewage/effluent treatment system
  • Applicable fee

General checklist for applying integrated KSPCB Consent to Operate (ICO)

Documents to be attached with the application for ICO

1. General Essential

1.1 Affidavit in Rs. 200 stamp paper.

1.2 Site plan/outlet location drawing (for water-polluting industries).

2. Additional documents to be attached for particular units

2.1 Chicken Stall - Agreement with rendering plant.

2.2 Hazardous waste-producing units such as dyeing and plywood units - HW disposal agreement with registered waste processors/common HWCTSDF.

2.3 Hospital/BMW establishment - Affiliation with CBWTF - certificate.

2.4 Quarry

  • Approved site plan from the village officer showing the boundary and the distance to the nearest residence along with the application.
  • A valid letter of intent from the Mining and Geology Department.
  • Environment Clearance (EC) from SEIAA/MoEF&CC wherever applicable.

2.5 Stone crusher - Sketch from village officer possession certificate

2.6 Wood-based unit - Forest Department NOC

2.7 Service station with oil changing facility - Used/Waste oil recycling/disposal agreement with registered reprocessor/recycler.

General checklist for applying Integrated KSPCB CTO Renewal

Documents to be attached with the application for renewal of KSPCB ICO
1. General Essential

1.1 Affidavit in Rs. 200 stamp

1.1.1 Previous consents

1.1.2 Previous KSPCB consent to Operate and renewals

1.2 Annual reports

1.2.1 Form3, Form 4, Form 5 Manifest for hazardous waste (Form10)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What are the distance criteria of various industries and units?

    Sr. No.


    Minimum distance (in m)




    (the distance to the nearby residence)


    (the distance to the nearest public buildings)


    Small - less than five crore











    Medium - 5 to less than ten crore











    Large - 10 crore & above










  • 2. What are the functions of KSPCB?

    (A) Important functions under the Water (P&CP) Act

    • To plan a comprehensive program for the pollution prevention, control or reduction of wells and streams in Kerala  and to secure the execution thereof;
    • To advise the State Government concerning the prevention, control or reduction of water pollution;
    • To disseminate and collect details concerning water pollution and the prevention, control or abatement thereof;
    • To conduct, encourage and participate in investigations and research concerning the problems of water pollution and its prevention, control or abatement;
    • To collaborate with the Central Board in arranging the training of persons involved or to be involved in programs concerning control, prevention or abatement of water pollution and to arrange mass education programs;
    • To examine trade or sewage effluents, works and plants for the treatment of trade and sewage effluents and to review specifications, plans or other info concerning plants set up for the water treatment, works for the purification thereof, and the system for the disposal of  trade effluents or sewage or in connection with the grant of any KSPCB consent as needed by this Act establish, alter or annul effluent standards for the trade effluents and sewage and for the receiving waters quality (not being water in an interstate stream) resulting from the release of effluents and to classify waters of the state.

    (B) Essential functions under the Air (P&CP) Act

    • To advise the state Government on any matter related to the prevention, control or abatement of air pollution;
    • To plan a comprehensive programme for the prevention, control and reduction of air pollution and to secure the execution thereof;
    • To disseminate and collect data relating to air pollution;
    • To collaborate with the Central Board in arranging the training of persons involved or to be involved in programmes concerning control, prevention or abatement of air pollution and to arrange mass education programmes relating to it;
    • To inspect, at all reasonable times, any industrial plant, control equipment or manufacturing process and to give, by order, such instructions to such persons as may be considered necessary to take steps for control, prevention or reduction of air pollution;
    • To inspect air pollution control areas at such time frames as it may think relevant, assess the quality of air therein and take measures for the prevention, control or reduction of air pollution in such areas
    • To establish, in consultation with the Central Board and regarding the standards for the quality of air set by the Central Board, norms for the emission of air pollutants into the atmosphere from automobiles and industrial plants or for the release of any air pollutant into atmosphere from any other source whatsoever not being an aircraft or a ship, provided that different standards for emission may be framed under this clause for different industrial plants having regard to the composition and quantity of emission of air pollutant into the atmosphere from such industrial plants.

    (C) Essential functions under the Environment (Protection) Act (EPA)

    • To cause remedial measures to prevent or mitigate environmental pollution in case of accidents;
    • To implement measures for the improvement and protection of the environment and the prevention of hazards to other living creatures, human beings, plants and property;
    • To perform inspections to check compliance and to collect or seize evidence thereof;
    • To collect samples of air, water, soil or other substances;
    • To provide service as Environmental Laboratory;
    • To develop standardised methods for sampling and analysis of various types of environmental pollutants;
    • To analyse samples sent by empowered officers;
    • To conduct investigations to lay down standards, to monitor and to enforce standards;
    • To perform any other entrusted function;
    • To take cognisance of offences.
    • (D) To implement the HWM Rules
    • (E) To implement the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules
    • (F) To implement Rules for the Use, Manufacture, Storage, Export and Import of Hazardous Micro-organisms, Genetically Engineered Cells or Organisms
    • (G) To implement the Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules
    • (H) To implement the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules
    • (I) To enforce the Plastics Manufacture, Sale  and Usage Rules
    • (J) To enforce the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules
    • (K) To implement the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules
    • (L) To implement the Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules
    • (M) To implement the EIA notification
    • (N) To implement the Public Liability Insurance Act

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