Impact of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) on the design, production and consumer use of electronic devices in India

Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR, is a policy approach that intends to make producers responsible for the complete lifecycle of their commodities, including their disposal and recycling. In India, EPR has been implemented for various product categories, including electronic devices, to reduce the environmental impact of electronic waste (e-waste) This blog will explore the impact of EPR on the design, production, and consumer use of electronic devices in India.


The implementation of EPR has significantly impacted the design of electronic devices in India. Manufacturers are now compelled to think about the environmental implications of their products right from the design phase. This has led to several notable changes:

Reduced Use of Hazardous Materials:

To comply with EPR regulations, manufacturers have started using fewer hazardous materials in their electronic devices. Lead, mercury, cadmium, and other toxic substances are being phased out in favour of safer options. This not only reduces the potential harm to the environment but also the health risks for workers involved in production.

Modularity and Repairability:

EPR encourages manufacturers to create products that are easier to disassemble and repair. This shift towards modularity allows consumers to replace faulty components rather than discarding the entire device, which reduces electronic waste. In India, this has led to the emergence of a small but growing repair and refurbishment industry, creating jobs and extending the lifespan of electronic devices.

Energy Efficiency:

To meet EPR goals, manufacturers are investing in energy-efficient designs. This not only saves energy during the use phase but also reduces the carbon footprint of production. Such designs are vital as India grapples with energy security and climate change concerns.


EPR has incentivised manufacturers to build products with longer lifespans. Previously, planned obsolescence was common in the industry, with products designed to have a short lifespan to encourage frequent upgrades. EPR discourages this practice and encourages the creation of more durable devices.


Manufacturers are now incorporating recyclability into their product design. This includes labelling materials for easy separation and recycling, which facilitates the recycling process and reduces the environmental impact of electronic waste.

Eco-Friendly Packaging:

EPR also extends to packaging. Manufacturers have started using eco-friendly materials and minimising excess packaging, reducing waste and the environmental impact associated with disposal.


EPR has also had a significant impact on the production of electronic devices in India. Manufacturers are adapting to new regulations and processes to meet their EPR responsibilities, resulting in various changes:

Compliance Costs:

EPR necessitates significant changes in production processes, including sourcing of materials, waste management, and compliance reporting. While this can lead to increased initial costs, it often results in long-term savings due to reduced resource consumption and penalties for non-compliance.

E-waste Collection and Recycling Infrastructure:

Producers are now investing in the collection and recycling infrastructure. In collaboration with third-party agencies, they have established collection centres and recycling facilities, creating new jobs in the process. This expansion of the recycling industry is a direct consequence of EPR, and it's crucial in tackling India's growing e-waste problem.

Supply Chain Transparency:

EPR requires a high level of transparency in the supply chain. Manufacturers must trace the origin of their materials to guarantee they meet environmental and safety standards. This transparency has led to more responsible sourcing practices.

Public Awareness:

With the implementation of EPR, manufacturers have been compelled to educate consumers about the responsible disposal and recycling of electronic devices. This has led to greater public awareness and participation in recycling programs.

Extended Warranty Programs:

Some manufacturers offer extended warranty programs as part of their EPR initiatives, ensuring that their products last longer and consumers feel more secure about their purchases. This not only promotes sustainability but also builds trust with consumers.

Consumer Use

EPR also influences how consumers use electronic devices:


EPR has made consumers more aware of their responsibility regarding the disposal of electronic devices. Many manufacturers now provide information on recycling or disposing of old devices properly, encouraging consumers to take these actions seriously.

Incentives for Recycling:

To promote recycling, manufacturers often offer incentives such as discounts on new products or cash-back offers in exchange for returning old devices. This encourages consumers to recycle rather than discard their old devices.

Extended Lifespan:

Devices designed with modularity and repairability in mind tend to have longer lifespans. Consumers are more likely to keep and repair their devices, reducing the frequency of new purchases.


Manufacturers are increasingly educating consumers about the benefits of energy-efficient use of electronic devices. This includes tips on reducing energy consumption, which not only saves consumers money but also contributes to a greener environment.

Quality Over Quantity:

EPR encourages consumers to prioritise quality over quantity. Instead of constantly upgrading to the latest models, consumers are more likely to choose durable, long-lasting devices that align with EPR principles.

Refurbished Electronics:

With the growth of the repair and refurbishment industry, consumers now have more options to buy refurbished electronics. This not only saves money but also extends the lifespan of electronic devices, reducing the demand for new ones.


In conclusion, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has brought about significant changes in the design, production, and consumer use of electronic devices in India. The shift towards environmentally friendly design, increased transparency in the production process, and a growing emphasis on recycling and responsible consumer behaviour are all notable impacts of EPR. As India resumes to grapple with the challenges of electronic waste and environmental sustainability, EPR remains a vital policy approach in addressing these issues.

Diksha Khiatani

A writer by day and a reader at night. Emerging from an Engineering background, Diksha has completed her M. Tech in Computer Science field. Being passionate about writing, she started her career as a Writer. She finds it interesting and always grabs time to research and write about Environmental laws and compliances. With extensive knowledge on content writing, she has been delivering high-quality write-ups. Besides, you will often find her with a novel and a cuppa!

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