How to fulfil Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for waste tire import in India?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a crucial aspect of waste management, especially in a country like India with a significant and growing waste tire problem. EPR requires tire producers and importers to take responsibility for the complete life cycle of their items, from production to disposal. In India, managing waste tires is a significant challenge, and implementing an effective EPR program is essential to address this issue. In this comprehensive blog, we may explore how to fulfil Extended Producer Responsibility for waste tire imports in India.

1. Understanding EPR for Waste Tires in India:

Before delving into the steps to fulfil EPR for waste tire imports in India, it's essential to understand the concept and regulatory framework of EPR in the country.

1.1 What is EPR?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an approach that places the onus on producers and importers to manage the complete life cycle of their products, including waste management and disposal. The primary goal is to lower the environmental impact of products and promote sustainable practices. In India, EPR is regulated under the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, and the Solid Waste Management (SWM) Rules, 2016, which were amended in 2018 to include EPR for waste tires.

1.2 EPR for Waste Tires in India

The EPR framework for waste tires in India requires tire producers and importers to manage the collection, recycling, and environmentally sound disposal of end-of-life tires (ELTs). The responsibility includes setting up collection and recycling mechanisms, ensuring safe disposal, and reporting their activities to the regulatory authorities.

2. Registration and Compliance:

To fulfil EPR obligations for waste tire imports in India, companies must ensure they are registered and fully compliant with the relevant regulations.

2.1 Registration Process:

  • Identify the appropriate regulatory authority: Waste tire importers must register with the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) of the concerned state. Each state may have specific requirements, and it's crucial to identify the relevant authority.
  • Obtain necessary licenses and permits: Companies must secure all required licenses and permits to import and deal with waste tires legally.

2.2 Compliance Requirements:

  • Collection and Recycling Targets: India's EPR framework sets specific collection and recycling targets for waste tires. Importers must meet these targets, and compliance is monitored periodically.
  • Transportation and Storage: Ensure that waste tires are transported and stored in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. Implement best practices to prevent fires and other hazards associated with waste tires.
  • Reporting and Documentation: Keep detailed records of waste tire imports, collections, recycling, and disposal activities. Submit periodic reports to the appropriate regulatory authorities.
  • Financial Commitment: Allocate funds for tire collection, recycling, and disposal. This financial commitment is a significant part of EPR compliance.

3. Collection and Transportation:

Implementing an effective collection and transportation system is crucial to fulfilling EPR obligations for waste tire imports.

3.1 Collection Mechanisms:

  • Establish a network of collection points: Collaborate with local stakeholders, such as auto repair shops, service stations, and dealers, to set up collection points for waste tires.
  • Public Awareness: Create awareness campaigns to encourage the public to deposit waste tires at these collection points rather than discard them inappropriately.
  • Incentives: Provide incentives for those who bring waste tires for proper disposal. This can include cash rewards or discounts on new tires.

3.2 Transportation:

  • Partner with certified transporters: Ensure that waste tires are transported by licensed and certified hauliers who follow safety and environmental standards.
  • Use proper storage and transportation containers: Tires should be securely stored and transported in appropriate containers to prevent accidents and environmental contamination.

4. Recycling and Processing:

Recycling and processing are the heart of EPR for waste tires. This stage involves converting waste tires into usable materials or energy.

4.1 Recycling Facilities:

  • Establish or partner with recycling facilities: Work with recycling units to process waste tires into valuable materials, such as rubber granules, crumb rubber, and steel wire.
  • Quality Control: Ensure that the recycling process adheres to the required quality standards to produce materials that can be used safely.

4.2 Innovative Methods:

  • Explore innovative methods: Investigate emerging technologies and methods for recycling waste tires, such as pyrolysis, which can convert tires into fuel and other valuable products.
  • Research and Development: Invest in research and development to find new and more sustainable ways to recycle waste tires.

5. Environmentally Sound Disposal:

Waste tires that cannot be recycled must be disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.

5.1 Disposal Options:

  • Landfill Disposal: Collaborate with authorised landfill operators to dispose of tires in designated areas, taking care to prevent environmental contamination.
  • Energy Recovery: Consider options for energy recovery, such as co-processing in cement kilns, which can use tires as a source of energy.

5.2 Hazardous Waste Management:

  • Identify and handle hazardous waste: Some components of tires may be considered hazardous. Properly segregate and manage these components to ensure they don't harm the environment.

6. Reporting and Documentation:

Compliance with EPR obligations necessitates accurate and transparent reporting.

6.1 Periodic Reporting:

  • Prepare and submit periodic reports: Maintain detailed records of your collection, recycling, and disposal activities and submit these reports to the relevant regulatory authorities as required.
  • Third-party Audits: Consider engaging third-party auditors to ensure the accuracy and transparency of your reporting.

6.2 Record Keeping:

  • Maintain records: Keep comprehensive records of all activities related to waste tire management, including financial transactions, transportation, and recycling processes.
  • Data Management: Invest in efficient data management systems to streamline the recording and reporting process.

7. Public Awareness and Education:

Promoting public awareness and education is essential to the success of EPR for waste tires in India.

7.1 Outreach Programs:

  • Conduct public outreach programs: Educate the public about the importance of proper tire disposal and the environmental consequences of improper disposal.
  • Collaborate with NGOs and community groups: Partner with non-governmental organisations and community groups to spread the message and engage local communities.

7.2 Incentives:

  • Offer incentives for proper disposal: Encourage individuals to participate in the EPR program by providing incentives like cash rewards, discounts, or other benefits.

8. Continuous Improvement:

EPR is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation.

8.1 Performance Evaluation:

  • Regularly assess your EPR program's performance: Use key performance indicators to analyse the effectiveness of your tire management initiatives.
  • Make adjustments: Based on your evaluations, make necessary adjustments to improve the efficiency and environmental impact of your EPR program.

8.2 Research and Development:

  • Invest in research and development: Keep abreast of industry trends and technological advances in tire recycling and waste management.
  • Adapt to new technologies and methods: Embrace innovative solutions that can enhance the sustainability of your EPR program.

9. Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement:

Collaboration with various stakeholders is vital for successfully implementing EPR for waste tires in India.

9.1 Government Engagement:

  • Collaborate with government agencies: Work closely with the relevant state and central government authorities to ensure alignment with regulatory requirements.
  • Advocate for policy improvements: Engage with policymakers to advocate for improvements in the regulatory framework to enhance EPR effectiveness.

9.2 Industry Partnerships:

  • Partner with tire manufacturers: Collaborate with tire manufacturers to develop and implement joint initiatives for responsible tire management.
  • Join industry associations: Become a member of industry associations focusing on sustainable waste tire management to share knowledge and best practices.

10. Risk Mitigation:

Finally, it's essential to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with waste tire management.

10.1 Financial Risks:

  • Create financial contingency plans: Develop strategies to address unexpected financial challenges that may arise during the course of your EPR program.

10.2 Environmental and Health Risks:

  • Implement safety protocols: Ensure that all processes related to waste tire management adhere to environmental and health safety regulations to minimise risks.

10.3 Regulatory Risks:

  • Stay updated with regulations: Regularly monitor changes in regulations and ensure that your EPR program remains compliant.
  • Legal Support: Be prepared to seek legal support if needed to address any legal issues or disputes related to your EPR activities.


Fulfilling Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for waste tire imports in India is not only a legal requirement but also a vital step in addressing the growing problem of waste tire management in the country. By understanding and adhering to the regulatory framework, establishing robust collection and recycling mechanisms, promoting public awareness, and continuously improving your EPR program, you may contribute to a more sustainable & environmentally responsible approach to managing waste tires in India. Collaboration with stakeholders and innovative approaches to recycling and disposal will further enhance the effectiveness of your EPR program, helping to mitigate environmental hazards and promote a cleaner, greener India.

Diksha Khiatani

A writer by day and a reader at night. Emerging from an Engineering background, Diksha has completed her M. Tech in Computer Science field. Being passionate about writing, she started her career as a Writer. She finds it interesting and always grabs time to research and write about Environmental laws and compliances. With extensive knowledge on content writing, she has been delivering high-quality write-ups. Besides, you will often find her with a novel and a cuppa!

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